Friday, May 13, 2011

Movie Night: Judd Apatow Style

I LOVE movie nights. Movie nights are a staple at my apartment, especially now that summer is here. There's nothing like lounging around in your sweats, eating the most un-healthy food and popping in a movie. This "movie night" segment is something I plan on doing a lot in future blog posts. When I'm  in the mood for a good laugh I automatically turn to these comedy movies. Enjoyed best with soda, candy, and popcorn.

Judd Apatow is pretty much the coolest kid to kick back with in Hollywood. He has produced and directed some of Hollywood's most successful comedies. He never fails to disappoint me whether he acted as a producer, writer, or director of a movie. His movie's are constantly quoted, contain crude humor, and are always an instant hit among theater goers.

A road trip that is full of drunken nights and constant banter between Jonah Hill and Russell Brand.

Jason Segel, Russell Brand, AND Mila Kunis...enough said.

I'm a sucker for Seth Rogan, not to mention he's incredibly sexy to me. These two characters begin a unlikely friendship all to the thanks of Mary Jane herself.  

Because of Will Ferrel, Ron Burgundy is a household name. 

I can quote every line from this movie. That says something.  40 year old men acting like 5 year olds, classic. 

By far my FAVORITE comedy movie ever. At least HALF my jokes can be traced back to this movie. This movie is full of high school memories. 

Steve Carrell perfects a naive 40 year old virgin. Will he FINALLY lose his virginity? Watch the movie, and trust me you'll see. 

In theaters this Friday: Brides Maids 
Finally, a chance for women to shine in an rated R raunchy comedy. Who says women can't curse, drink, and act like men? Judd Apatow sure didn't. 

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